#the hatzgang roy x ross
glitterfish1272 · 6 months
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so this is what shipping rarepairs is like.... fascinating
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michax-forever · 8 months
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Some silly hatzgang + Susie art
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some things that i forgot abt... (believe it or not i have not abandoned this blog i prommy. i just changed hyperfixations like 3 times and im exploding)
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mjtheg0th · 7 months
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Silly Draws 👹👍🏻
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checkertrains · 3 months
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Why is it so hard to draw in Spooky month (or Sr Pelo) art style goddamn 💀🙏
Maybe one day I’ll figure out how to draw them
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starlightwoofwoof · 13 days
anyway I decided to doodle/draw some more thingies for that Spooky Month x The Horror at Camp Jellyjam AU I did lol
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okay the last thing isn’t really 100% for this AU but it’s kinda in the SM art style sooooo
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Them🥺 (I do not know how I came to this)
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omnidemidisaster · 8 months
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay! ????????!?l!soswos🎉🦠
Wellllllll, could I request some hatzgang hcs with a S/O that is extremely VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY maternal¿?
Thank you and blessings😊
Sure!! BTw the reader is fem
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He doesn't know why you're so...maternal like this
Don't get him wrong, he likes it! But you both are just around the same age
He does like how caring and observant you are!
He's a mama's boy so he finds any person who cares for him like his mom, especially if it's a girl, he melts
He noticeably starts to open up and become vulnerable much more quickly than he normally would.
He trusts you much more
And when you eventually meet his mom, his father does point out the similarities.
"Reynold...I hate to say this, but your significant other has similar qualities to your mother"
"I know and its AWESOME!"
"Just...Remember they're your partner."
"I know I know.."
BTW, his mom does like you! She does find your maternal personality a bit amusing, but she knows you just care for her son and she couldn't ask for anything more
Roy loves you and he loves how you care about him
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Robert doesn't really realize your maternal personality. He just thinks that you're an affectionate person
He does love your maternal personality though! He finds it super nice!
He trusts you with Riley!
Speaking of Riley, he loves babysitting her with you just cause you treat her like your daughter
As a joke, he gives you "Best Mom Ever" mug on mothers day, but he does appreciate you taking care of him and Riley!
He does want to pay you back though! So he does things like carrying your bag, paying for drinks, or holding doors open for you. Little things to show his appreciation!
He also genuinely appreciates you taking care of him. His mother died when he was super young, so he melts at your affections
Will absolutely cry in your arms if it means you'll comfort him. Sad mitski song core
Gosh, he loves feeling you hug him and giving him words of affirmation
He playfully call you "Mama (y/n)"
He will gladly be little spoon if you allow him to
He just wants to put his head in your chest just to feel close. You remind him of what mama could have been, so you're a comfort person to him
but of course, he'll gladly hold you in his arms
What a sweetheart!
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Like Robbie, he doesn't notice the personality right away
He's also a big mama's boy, so your maternal personality is comforting to him!
He unintentionally becomes very romantic about it honestly. Kinda like an old married couple
When watching Skid with you, he notices that when you both care for him, you both act very parent like
He likes it though!
He honestly gets shy at your actions
Like call him petnames, rub his hand, cuddle him, or making a favorite dish will turn this boy red
His mom finds it so sweet that you're motherly towards him!
She knows he has a vulnerability around women, so she's happy you make him feel safe and protected
She will also embarrass him with baby photos while you embarrass him with just cute photos you took while on dates
All the while, Ross is hiding his face
He loves being cuddled. Especially since he has terrible nightmares, feeling you hug him and become a human shield against bad dreams makes his nerves die down
He does love you so much and he would do anything and everything for you
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
He is a very loved boy :>
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bubblaymadz · 1 year
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Idk if someone else has done this before but yeaaa!! I've been seeing so many pumpkin head images on pinterest and... I'm obsessed now lmao! 🖤🧡
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zaccosnacco · 6 months
Lets see what the Hatzgang think of this silly child
Robert seems excited to be an uncle for sure
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Little Jake is probably in good hands (as long as Roy doesn’t teach him how to make a pipebomb when hes a little older)
In the future Radford probably makes the stupid decision to let Robert look after the kid, so immediately this teenager runs to his friends with the toddler
These are just some silly doodles I made
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blxxdq-mvs1c · 2 years
Yandere! HATZGANG x gn! reader (separate headcannons)
tw: obsessive themes, stalking, possessiveness
an: It was in my drafts for so long and is so short that I can't believe it😭 I'm already saying that boys are aged up!!
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Grumpy cat fr
Possessive, stalker type
Writes you letters, poems or at least tries to, makes you origami gifts too
Goddamn tsundere ass mf
Obsessive, sweet type
Definitely makes or buys you chocolates and food
Live laugh love Robert
Sleepy black cat
Silent, sweet type
Expect to get so SO many flowers and large bouquets
night walks together
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starlightwoofwoof · 4 months
‼️⚠️ Quick CW ⚠️‼️ Disturbing Imagery
uhhhhh I thought of another stupid dumb dumb weird crossover AU (it’s kinda like a swap AU as well lol)
sooooooo I thought it would be a good idea to mix my two favorite spooky fandoms together :D (well Spooky Month isn’t really an outright horror thing but still)
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AAAAAA what goobers
here, e x t r a m e m e t h i n g s
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might do more characters if you guys like it and I feel like it lol, I already have so many ideas-
I also kinda rushed this because I was excited to show this soooooo- ye
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dylanmct00ny · 2 years
HIIII, trying not to be a bother buuut, you've already been getting this a lot, your art style reminds me of EENE, it's super cool!! I was also wondering if you can draw the hatzgang bois blushing at randoms nonsense? 😃
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HI THANK YOUUU its very intentional LOLZ!! <3 LUCKY FOR U I have an older drawing that is (somewhat) similar to what u want BUT ITS TECHNICALLY NOT ALL THE HATZGANG SORRY I'll draw something similar to ur request at some point ^_^
enjoy my cringe robert x susie ship art hehhweehheh
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Request! Now, again, I am not an insomniac. I struggle with sleeping but not so much to become an insomniac so everything might not be corrct
Hatzgang with an insomniac s/o
Unlike the others posts, these boys have no clue nor experience besides Robert who only knows it from Radford
They want to help but they are extremely lost
Best thing they can do is just help you to sleep
Ross loves to talk/sing you to sleep. His voice is so calming
He just likes to put your head on his lap while he talks/sings you to sleep
Robert snuggles with you
Hes tall and warm and loves to cuddle
Roy tries to suggest things that might help you ( Warm shower, warm beverage, 3 2 1 method, ect )
If you struggle with sleeping because of some kind of anxiety, these boys try desperately to calm your anxieties
Afraid of the dark? Robert bought a tiny nightlight
Bad thoughts keeping you up? Ross will try to sing them away
No clue? No worries, they don't either -
But they try, that's all that counts
If nothing is really helping, Robert will recommend talking to his brother and hopes that Radford can help you
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mayisgoingnuts · 21 days
They're watching HH/HB and the #1 demon enthusiast is not enjoying it /j
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Also you get hcs as bonus :]
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